Process Automation

Industrial process automation is one of our core activities. With years of practical ex­pe­ri­ence and specialist skills from other IT areas, we're able to offer a wide range of services and solutions, from low-level com­mu­ni­ca­tion with individual hardware devices to fully automated control of complex industrial production and logistics processes.

Our main focuses are:

  • Im­ple­men­ta­tion and deployment of standard solutions, such as ALIS (ware­hou­sing and tran­s­port logistics mana­ge­ment system) and NACE (office and residential buildings control system).

  • Design and de­ve­lop­ment of custom, dedicated solutions, based on clients' spe­ci­fic needs and requi­re­ments.

De­ve­lop­ment Methodology

Industrial systems design and im­ple­men­ta­tion differs significantly from developing typical desktop software or business infor­ma­tion systems. The correct approach always in­clu­des many demanding tasks, such as real-time diagnosis and mana­ge­ment of digital signals, or building special tools for interference analysis. These require detailed knowledge of industrial controllers, com­mu­ni­ca­tion protocols, and system pro­gramm­ing.

Particularly challenging is the reconstruction of existing systems, especially when they must operate continuously, with minimal in­terr­up­tions or no down­time at all. The testing of process hardware and mana­ge­ment software is difficult under such circumstances, with custom-built simulators, emulators and modeling tools often a necessity. In many cases, project success depends primarily on technological approach rather than the type of industrial processes being automated.

Our Background

KoMnA's experts have many years of process automation ex­pe­ri­ence in the fields of electric power industry, ware­hou­sing logistics, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions, tran­s­port mana­ge­ment and physical security. This in­clu­des large projects such as remote control of power and trans­for­mer sta­tions, road and rail system mana­ge­ment, mining facility com­pu­teri­zation, and high-bay ware­house automation.

Based on our skills and know-how, we can ensure accurate planning, high-quality im­ple­men­ta­tion, and proper maintenance of automation projects.

Perhaps KoMnA can help your organization, too. Contact us to directly consult our developers and system administrators.